DETOX SUCCESS and What Time Do You Workout??

Hello hello and HAPPY FRIDAY! Did this week go by super quickly for anyone else??

As usual, I started my Thursday morning with a solid gym workout: 30 minutes on the elliptical, abs, and legs. I love getting my sweat on before work! I’m definitely the most motivated first thing in the morning; I can’t imagine going to the gym at the end of the day. I also feel that I am the most “out of it” when I wake up, so I kind of mindlessly get dressed and walk to the gym without putting much thought into it. Whatever works, amiright?

When I got to work yesterday I had a Starbs hot coffee and a blueberry muffin Quest bar. Such a good bar with huge chunks of blueberries and graham crackers! Tastes exactly like a blueberry muffin, but has 1/3 of the calories and 3x the protein 😉


For lunch I had the usual big salad; this one had spinach, carrots, cukes, avo, and light balsamic.


And for snacks I had an apple and a couple handfuls of super ripe cherries. When I got home, I sipped on a GT’s Gingerade booch while reading this book I just started.


It’s sooo interesting already. By the way, I just finished “Orphan Train” by Christina Baker Kline and it was AMAZING! Such a page turner – it’s about two orphans and their journeys through different foster homes, switching between modern day with a kind of punk/goth narrator, and the early 1900’s with an Irish immigrant narrator. One of the best books I’ve read in a while.

Anyways, I cooked up a simple dinner of Sriracha tofu, a sweet potato, red pepper, and baby spinach with extra Sriracha drizzled on top. Burning but happy taste buds.


I’ve been feeling great this week. I’ve definitely “detoxed” my body from last weekend (ugh) and am feeling back to normal. I’ve stuck to all of my goals so far and am excited to keep it up through the weekend!!

By the way, I’m weighing myself this morning (Friday morning weekly weigh-ins woo!) and will update you on my progress/goals in tomorrow’s post. I think my Saturday posts are going to turn into weekly progress posts – touching base on my Friday morning weigh-ins and the goals that I make based on that (plus goals for the weekend)! As I’ve mentioned, I’m not really trying to lose a whole lot of weight, but I wouldn’t mind losing a few pounds and leaning out my body a bit. It definitely helps keep me accountable to share my progress with you guys 🙂 .

I’m headed to two appointments this morning, possibly squeezing a workout in, then will be working from home the rest of the day. Have a great Friday and start to your weekend!

What time of day do you workout? When are you the most motivated?

What book are you reading right now?!

❤ Marina

16 thoughts on “DETOX SUCCESS and What Time Do You Workout??

  1. I LOVED “Orphan Train” I read it a year or two ago on my grandma’s recommendation and absolutely loved it. I also ready “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” and really enjoyed it as well. It is such an interesting books and really puts things in perspective without being super scientific and medical.
    Have a great weekend 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ahh we are book twins 😉 so good to hear that you enjoyed the Henrietta Lacks book! I am loving it so far, it’s been hard to put down. Are you reading anything good now?

      Have a great weekend too!!


  2. Oh gosh ALL my motivation resides in the morning. Whether that be for something physical, or mental, I have it get it basically all done before early afternoon because after that I’m hopeless.

    Yay book recommendations! I’m trying to up my reading, so these sound great. It’s great to hear you are feeling good and pumped on the goals you’ve been making and achieving. That’s such a strengthening feeling.

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    • That’s awesome – I sometimes go on runs during lunch (before I broke my foot) and I loved how much energy I had for the rest of the afternoon (plus I loved that I could sleep in)!

      Hope you have a great weekend!


  3. I am a TOTAL morning workout kind of gal! I like to be out of the gym by 9am at the latest [I have to teach a 5am / 6am HIIT class, so I workout after!] but when I don’t have to teach I definitely like getting in my workout around 6am or so! It just sets the right tone for the rest of the day 🙂

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  4. I need to check out Orphan Train! I wrote a post a few weeks ago that talks about my summer reading list – I’ve gotten through 8 so far! (
    I do way better when I workout in the morning! If I have to workout in the afternoon it always takes a LOT more motivation 🙂
    I tried kombucha for the first time today…not sure what my thoughts are yet! I didn’t realize it would be so fizzy :/

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh awesome! The only one I’ve read on that list is The Couple Next Door and it was impossible to put down and a super quick read. I really want to read The Handmaid’s Tail (before watching the series)! Which has been your favorite so far?
      Yeah… kombucha is pretty fizzy. I think it takes some getting used to 😉 I hope you end up liking it! Try some different flavors too.


  5. My workouts are all over the place these days, but I definitely prefer early morning, and the odds of a workout actually happening decrease throughout the day. That book sounds so interesting! I’ve had Orphan Train on my list for a long time (I’m trying to read all of the books I have before geting any new ones), I’m glad to hear it’s so good!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m the same way – the more I procrastinate my workout, the less likely I’m going to get it done. Best to do it right away, then you don’t have to think about it anymore!
      Definitely pick up Orphan Train after you finish the books you have! Are you reading a good one at the moment?


  6. I am in the market for a new book, I will have to check that one out! I definitely prefer morning workouts, but will work out in the evening if I can’t earlier or have a class I want to take. Hope you have a good weekend!

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